Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center
Denver, CO
Booth Number
ConnexFM (formerly PRSM Association) is a leading multi-site facilities management association. They create immersive education and networking events to help you make new connections every day.
We invite you to CONNEXFM 2025 National Conference and to visit our booth #635. The Carrier Abound team can show you how we use Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things to optimize retail store equipment operations. Experience the Abound Insights Platform, part of Carrier's Abound Suite of solutions, to see how clear the prescriptive recommendations are and how they enable facility managers and equipment technicians to understand how best to take care of store equipment. Facility managers are enabled to be more proactive and decisive. Equipment technicians are empowered to be more precise and productive.
HIDEAPR - 2025
Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center
Denver, CO
Booth Number