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Virginia School Monitors Indoor Air Quality With Carrier’s Abound IoT Platform

School district enhances air quality & environmental conditions.

The Challenge

A school district, in the Southeastern U.S., sought to enhance and more closely monitor air quality and environmental conditions in one of their schools.

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The Solution

The district partnered with Carrier to implement the Abound™ platform in one building that covers 260,000 square feet. Abound complements the school’s BMS system and provides a more granular view of key air quality metrics, such as temperature, humidity, CO2, PM2.5, and more, and displays it on the Abound dashboard.

The Results

Abound provides staff with real-time insights about the health of their indoor spaces. Whenever air quality data is outside the WELL Building Standard’s™ normal ranges, building operators can make quick assessments and confidently make decisions to optimize their building’s HVAC equipment-ensuring the health and well-being of all occupants.